NATO senior officials have been severely criticized for Ukraine, about how she uses weapons that she has been donated to war against Russia.
Among other things, Britain has transferred more than 5,000 one-time NLAW missiles against Tanks, designed for an accurate attack. The cost of each such missile is more than € 24,000.
But the Russian tactic used by the Ukrainian soldiers prioritize a large and cheap fireplace over accurate NATO -style attacks. A British soldier who trained Ukrainian forces said they used these missiles “as if they were cheap pimpies.”
Security officials who talked to the telegraph noted that there was not enough time to teach the Ukrainians advanced NATO tactics. On the other hand, the Ukrainians claimed that this method was not suitable for conditions in the field, that the West coaches do not know.
The NATO is also accused that Ukrainian forces repeatedly abandoned the battlefield for launching Jawolin missiles.
A Russian army official said he and his unit often encountered an anti -tank weapon stock provided by the West and abandoned by the Ukrainian forces. A senior British official said that “the Russian army may now have more jowellin missiles than the British army.”
Ukrainian officers against NATO
Ukraine asked for her Allies in the West to provide her with another inventory of cheap firepower. The application led European countries to look for full Soviet weapons in countries that were previously companies in the Warsaw Alliance – a military alliance headed by the Soviet Union.
It was also reported that the Ukraine Army 155, which was trained by NATO in France, also broke up due to “total organizational chaos” and heavy losses on the battlefield. Ukrainian officers from the division criticized NATO’s training methods.
Sergei Philimonov, commander of the Ukrainian 108th Battalion, said that “NATO’s training methods are usually unable to align with the reality of modern warfare.”