‘Destruction of agencies that protect Americans from Troča or deceiver is pure despotism’

Harold Meyerson, 75, America and Ccaron, a columnist, & Ccaron; Atlantic Monthly declared one of the most influential political commentators in the ground, the Essay of Trump in the magazine announced The American Prospectwhich also arranges & dstrok; Meyerson was a columnist Washington PostaExecutive Editor Weeklyja and author u Los Angeles Times. He wrote for The New Yorker, The Nation, New Statesmanand now dedicated to & Cancon; the Conservative Media in & Cancaron, they are trying everything around Trump, and above all his moves that you provide wide executive powers, to show as acceptable, normally, and even. VI & DSTROK; ENO behavior, especially through historical analogies. Thus, the editors of Wall Street Journal, Columnist George Will and other conservative commentators ve & cacute; They published the theses to appropriation of the Mo & Cacute; and, what Trump, there are numerous precedents in the activities of progressive presidents, especially: Woodrow Wilson, both Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. So why then so many objections to RA & CCaron; UN poor Donald Trump, Meyerson asked and gave the answer to that question.

Trump’s excessive pretensions on power, he published the Washington Stationon, George Will, Pulitzer winner, but also the former Republican and the Middle Ally Ronald Reagan, “institutional consequences of progressism.” Journal Editors Appears that “Mr. Trump tests the laws to see how much the Mo & Cacaron; and, but that is & CCaron; and other recent presidents,” including Obama and Biden.

As a historical analysis, this is malicious nonsense, convenient Meyerson and the order and ccaron;

“No previous president said Tisa & Cacute; AMA autonomous school committees across the country that their schools should be POU & CCARON; that he did not confirm his great LA & CCARON; who actually lost; did not dictate which performances are appropriate, which are not for Kennedy Center; did not speak the NCAA which The athletes should be disqualified; nor is it exclusive of media organizations from the White Ku & Cacuta; e of not agreed with his renamination of me & Dstrok; I needed for such behavior, we do not need to trail me & Dstar; Kim Presidents, Ve & Cacute; Me & Dstrok; in, say, Bourbony from France.

Mo & Cacute; Our presidents largely grew in war times or in other crises, as well as the development of mass media, by & cacaron, which they allows them to speak the Americone & Ccaron directly. There was no & caronry harmful or threatening & cacute that Franklin Roosevelt skillfully used the radio or what John F. Kennedy skillfully used television. The Trump Tweets, on the other hand, are harmful and dangerous, not because it was mastered by this medium, Ve & Cacute; Because consciously wider LA & Zcaron; II defamation. Thus & Dstrok; ER, he did not take power in the times of the crisis, Ve & Cacute; He declared that this time is a national emergency situation that allegedly justifies his appropriation of the Mo & Cacute; and, although that crisis is not visible to the naked eye, “Conclusion Meyerson.

The editor of the American Prospectus believes that the Trump’s Po. CCaron; ethnic moves are by no means similar to the first hundred days of Franklin Roosevelt, as some right & CCaron; Ari claims:

“Roosevelt took power at the time of the actual crisis, when the bankruptcy rate had closed all deposit institutions in the country in the country. In order to deal with it, Roosevelt ordered the Federal Inspector; They estimate the solvency of America and ccaron; kih banka, but then addressed the Congress to bring emergency measures that are abundance of his presidency. At his request, the Congress was adopted by the Aid Farmers, Party & Cancarilization Industry, introducing bank deposits and established a civil conservation corpus which is Provide Cacute; Io employment of the unemployed Young & Cacute; and improvements to national parks and forests.

He did not take to himself the powers he knew they had no presidents; Instead, he successfully trained from Congress to bring far -reach & zcaron;

Progressive presidents have indeed expanded the government’s regulatory capacities, but exclusively because they demanded public interest and security. The Congress was established by the ministries and agencies that these presidents of the tra & zcaron were and which were built by the citizens. The development of the administrative states did not occur by Presidency & Ccaron, unlike today’s DR & Zcaron destruction through illegal executive commands.

Teddy Roosevelt convinced the Congress to establish the food and medicine administration (FDA) as Americans would not & caron; often the poisoned food they consume. The Woodrow Wilson’s allies pushed the Law on the Establishment of the Federal Commission to help consume.

The FDR signed the laws of congresses established by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the National Committee for Work Relations. After the financial fraud that led to the 1990s and large recession, the Congress brought the law, which was signed by Obama, which was established by the Consumer Protection Office.

All these were the reforms carried out with the consent of the people – Congress adopted them, the president signed, and the courts confirmed their constitutionality. None of these fundamental changes were made to the Presidential and CCaron, the orders, tweets or proclamations, “convenient Meyerson.

He is an exception that if there is a historical model for the closure of agencies and suspension of financing that Trump unilaterally ordered, “then it is a despot model against which James Madison warned at Federalists & Ccaron Predicted by separate branches of power precisely to prevent the disappearance of the despot “:

“I can & cacuteace that the new Americans and CCaron; the nation to the monarchical form of government, which was then prevailed in Europe, was very important. ‘The absolute concentration of all authority – legislative, executive and judicial – in the same hands, whether hereditary, self-accompanied, or elected, mo & zcaro with the right to call the definition itself Tyranny, ‘Madison written in Federalists & Ccaron; Kim writings no. 47. To prevent it in the file no. 51,’ the ambition must restrict another ambition. ‘ To this end, he took over the ideas of the French philosopher Montesquieu about the division of authorities and the system of checking and equal to the basis of America & CCaron; the Constitution.

Despite & Cancon; Tom, the submissive and silenced Republican Congress did not even flare on Trump’s appropriation of their Mo & Cacute; and; Bud & Cacute; and that Republicans & Zcaron; Ele Closing Agencies and Suspension of Financing, but they know that I cannot carry out through Congress, I would rather president appreciate their Mo & Cacute; As they are silent. And while the federal courts, so far, they tried to constrict that appropriation of the Mo & Cacute; and, the Supreme Court has not yet advertised.

Our Constitution was the only one in the 18th century & cacute; which is still in force; The constitutions of all other countries are written and adopted in more modern times, when the threat of monarchists & ccaron. Mostly you are ezla.

Despite & ccaron; Attempts to Mr. Will and Journal to normalize Trump, it is now clear that it cannot be a zcaron;

By Editor

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