Police Office of the Zagreb Police Administration & CCaron; after months of the speech and evidence, the score and cucaron; for the basis of the suspicion that it is a more criminal offenses in banks in the area of Zagreb and Large Goric.
According to the criminals & ccaron, the investigation has collected evidence and knowledge that the suspects & Ccaron from September 9, 2021 to May 28, 2024, did six of the robberies of the robbery, one of which was in an attempt. All of these offenses are initially done in bank branches.
– the suspects of the criminal offenses & Ccaron was done on the & ccaron in order to be masked before. He had a shilter on his head, over the head of the hood & Ccaron, and would still cover his face with medical masks and sun & ccaron. Employees in the said branches of banks were threatened with no & zcaron or a pistol similar to the right, which was given to the Police Directorate of the Police Directorate of Zagreb for the criminals of the Police Directorate. They add that the train zcaron was delivered to him and puts him money in Pla & Ccaron; he has not always carried with him.
– The venue was mostly reached by a tram, a bus or a car or a car, and after the criminal offenses of the clothing and threw it into municipal waste. Unlawfully obtained money, dwelling from the Banka branch, he spent the gambling and consuming intoxicating drugs and for the sake of returning financial debts to friends, family and other people – Ka & Zcaron; in the police.
Material damage is around 220,000 euros. After the criminals of the & ccaron, the suspects were submitted to the detention supervisor, while specially reported, the competent authorities were delivered to the Dran Zcaron;
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