25 percent duties on European products that arrive in the United States. The measure was announced by American president Donald Trump by triggering the reaction of Italian oppositions that compact, once again, in the request for intervention by the Prime Minister. From Matteo Renzi to Giuseppe Conte, passing through Elly Schlein, the choir is unanimous and recalls the concepts of patriotism and sovereignty, ‘flags’ from Giorgia Meloni’s party.
“The Italian right cheers for those who hurt our economy”, writes Matteo Renzi on social networks by publishing the video of his speech in the Senate, during the vote of the amendments to the European delegation law: “The sovereigns are bad for Italy: by virtue to do the sovereigns he is always a more sovereignist than you who dominates you”, adds the leader of Italy Viva. For the deputy of Avs, with the spokesperson of Europe Verde, Angelo Bonelli is “a frontal attack on our exports and strategic sectors of Made in Italy” to which to respond at European level “boycott products, as already done by Canada”.
Hence the question: “How do you think of defending the national interest of the ‘sovereign’ Giorgia Meloni? It will continue to be Vassal of Trump or will it oppose this policy that damages Italian enterprises and workers? ” The time of hesitation ended for Giorgia Meloni, it must choose which side to be on. After the embarrassing silence of these days on Trump’s attacks on Europe and Ukraine Now Meloni says which side he is. “
Finally, for the President M5S: “Also today he wanted patrioti. Disappeared from the radar. Trump announces 25% duties against Europe and Meloni loses words”. The Chiosa of Conte is on the words of Andrea Stroppa against Fratelli d’Italia, ‘accused’ of having voted together with the oppositions the changes to the space bill: “Musk’s man recalls the brothers of Italy to the order and not even a reaction of pride. Are you Meloni?”.
But what did the ‘spokesperson’ of the patron of Space X in Italy said in a post with controversy? “The Democratic Party has set up his contribution to the law as an anti-Musk crusade, and Fdi went after him. I repeat: Starlink is not the toy of politics “. The reference of Stroppa was two amendments to the DDL space under discussion in the Commission of the Chamber of the Chamber presented by the Democratic Party – which has drawn up them with the contribution of the other oppositions – and approved with the favorable vote of the majority. The two amendments introduce, in particular, two discriminants in the choice of spatial technologies for satellite communications: the safeguarding communications: of national security and industrial return to Italy. “You want to pass Starlink for the bad guys. To Fdi’s friends: avoid calling us for conferences or anything else.”
A reaction that generates restlessness between the dem: “What is it meant by ‘other’?”, Asks the deputy Pd Alberto Pandolfo, signatory of the amendments approved in the Commission. “It would be interesting to know what Stroppa refers to with that ‘other’, because, so, so, it seems almost that there have been interlocutions or collaborations between Musk’s companies and the party of the Prime Minister that we do not know. The Meloni sisters should clarify this aspect that throws a disturbing shadow on the relationships between Fdi and Musk’s companies“. For the speaker Andrea Mascaretti of the provision it is” an absolutely founded controversy, because two amendments have been approved unanimously that speak of something else. I must also clarify, regarding what I read on an agency, that amendments against or favorable for someone have not been approved – explains Mascaretti -. The amendments that are mentioned, referring to art.25 and unanimously approved, with the vote of all political groups, do not introduce anything new, but strengthen the national security and industrial security concepts for the country system, already expressed in the law “.
The M5S deputy, Emma Pavanelli, sees A space bill “full of favorini and favorite of government patriots at the Musk on duty. But listening to Stroppa “, he adds,” Fdi realizes that the American magnate are not enough. He wants the way literally flattened to do the beauty and bad weather in Italy “. And the exponent AVS, Francesca Ghirra:” The intervention of Musk’s man in Italy, Andrea Stroppa, via X confirms what we said about the Meloni bill on the space economy. Musk would like free hand and the amendments of the oppositions that have placed borders have blown the nerves to the Tycoon Piglone “.
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