Number of asylum applications in Europe dropped by eleven percent

The number of asylum applications in the EU as well as in Norway and Switzerland decreased significantly last year: a total of 29 countries were in the 29 countries 1,014,000 applications registered – Exactly 100,000 fewer than in the previous year (minus 11 percent). This emerges from the new annual report of the EU agency Euaa based in Malta. The reason for this is that it Less new asylum seekers in Germany gab.

With around 237,000 first -time yields, the Federal Republic was the most populous country in Europe again last year. However, it was alone 92,000 fewer applications a minus of almost 30 percent. The EU agency’s figures differ slightly from information from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), which counted almost 230,000 applications in 2024.

In contrast, the figures in other large EU countries such as Spain (169,000) and France and Italy (159,000 each) remained almost the same. The number of asylum seekers on the island of Cyprus and in Greece are the highest. Great Britain has not been there for years after leaving the EU in this statistics.

Most applicants came from Syria (151,000), Followed by Afghanistan (87,000), Venezuela (74,000) and Turkey (56,000). With the exception of Venezuela, these numbers also decreased significantly.

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The so -called Recognition quota – the percentage of cases in which migrants actually also received asylum – was 42 percent about as high as before. According to the EU Asylagentur, almost half of all applications (48 percent) came from applicants from countries, from which at least four out of five applications are usually rejected. Examples of this are Bangladesh, Morocco and Tunisia.

Dealing with migrants has been one of the great issues of European politics for decades. The EU is now working with North African countries to keep migrants from fleeing to Europe. In experiments to cross the Mediterranean with often barely seaworthy boats, fatal disasters always occur.

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