“Illusion”. Iran’s Supreme Leader calls on countries not to properly support Western support

Those who rely on the United States and Europe have to look at Ukraine’s current situation, writing to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Al Khamenei, emphasizing the hope of support of Western countries.

“All governments must understand this, especially those who hope for the United States and Europe,” Khamenein wrote in Ukrainian.

The Iranian Iranian service reports that Iran is in a difficult situation, as US President Donald Trump’s administration has again launched the “maximum pressure” policy towards Tehran, and Tehran refuses to talks with Washington.

It is noted that the country’s economy is in critical condition. However, some UN sanctions have been mitigated within the 2018 Nuclear Agreement, but in 2018, the United States unilaterally left the Nuclear Agreement and imposed restrictions on Tehran.

Reminding that the Nuclear Agreement in 2015 is valid, the Iranian Iranian service reports that the United Nations of sanctions against Iran may be resumed, and those who are exposed to negotiations with Washington claim that the dialogue with Trump is in vain.

The head of the White House has signed a decree on restoring the maximum pressure on Iran in early February, while not rule out cooperation with Tehran.

The new memorandum of President Trump implies the prevention of Tehran’s nuclear weapons, missiles, the prospects of oil exports.

According to the American side, Iran is developing its nuclear program with oil sales and finances terrorists in neighboring countries.

By Editor