Nineteenth century billion euros to re -enter Europe? No thank you. The League Boccia “The Fire Power” which wants to launch the president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. “He wants to re -enter Europe leaving the possibility to the states of debt to buy weapons. This is the main way to leave our children a continent in peace? “, Salvini wonders. For the party in via Bellerio it is a” belligerent drift “. Giorgia Meloni with its preaches calm, the line of brothers of Italy is to avoid further joints forward, as explained by the Minister for European affairs, Tommaso Foti. For the party in via della Scrofa, the principle of arriving in a common defense is sacrosanct but it is necessary to see how it will be sacrosanct Declined. “How do these 800 billion spend? How are they directed? “, The questions that relaunch the ‘big’ behind the scenes. For the blanket of the conservatives to the European Parliament, Nicola Procaccini,” military spending is development “.
“The ‘Rearm Europe’ plan outlined in the letter of the president Von der Leyen has the merit of finally moving from the mere statement of principle to concrete tools to strengthen the framework of European investments in the defense”, says the head of Fdi-Ecr to the European Parliament, Carlo Fidanza who looks at the positive aspect of today’s announcement: “particularly important for Italy the possibility of activating the national safeguard clause of the Stability, which will finally allow to break down the major investments required by the deficit/GDP parameters “. The suspension of the stability pact will be allowed for a maximum of 1.5% of the annual GDP for each Member State, for a maximum of four years, specified a high EU official. But points to clarify still remain. “What do you do with this money? The French industry fools?”, Another exponent of Fratelli d’Italia is wondered. The goal in the majority, however, remains to wait for the extraordinary European Council where – reiterates in Fdi – Premier Giorgia Meloni could play a fundamental role of bridge between the EU and the United States.
The wait is to understand, among other things, if the proposal of an EU -USA summit can be achievable, to emphasize the need for a mending to get to concrete results on peace in Ukraine, beyond the initiatives – positive or not – of individual European countries. But for the League that has already ‘transformed’ the weekend gazebos into an appointment for peace, the prospects indicated by Brussels go in an opposite direction to that necessary at this moment. “We will oppose the ‘Ursula’ army in every wayannounces the Northern League Claudio Borghi. “For Ursula von der Leyen European states can only be debt to arm themselves,” says Salvini. And again: “Someone in Brussels has not understood the change of paradigm that of now in change”. “I hope that Salvini’s square is not against common defense”, cuts the spokesperson for Forza Italia, Raffaele Nevi. The fact remains that all the political forces that support the executive remain on the no to the sending of European soldiers advanced by France and Great Britain.
“Italy expressed its doubts, in my opinion it is a very complex thing in the realization“, The Prime Minister explained yesterday,” my line is that I am with Italy, for Europe and with the West “. The dossier on Ukraine, however, is faced with a different posture.” Half of half of the deaths and hundreds of billions of euros passed, invested not in health, in schools, “but in arms. And there is stall, indeed if someone is advancing is not the Ukraine”, Vice -premier and Minister of Transport and Infrastructure. Meanwhile, the oppositions have returned to ask that the premier reports in the classroom on international politics. The secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, places an alt on the Ursula von der Leyen plan: “It is not – he says – the road that serves Europe. The European Union serves common defense, not national rearmament. They are two very different things”. For the 5 Star Movement, the plan of the President of the EU Commission “is crazy”.
“Ursula von der Leyen is inadequate and dangerous“, Attack Nicola Fratoianni of Avs.” Lega, Avs and 5s are for the surrender of Ukraine and against the construction of a European army. Meloni is in the balance as Schlein on the opposite front. Now the Von der Leyen plan will be approved or not, what will the two coalitions do? Whether we like it or not Italian bipolarism is dead. He may still remain there to ride for a while, but not for a long time “try to synthesize the leader of action, Carlo Calenda.
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