Knowing the character, he will necessarily boast. US President Donald Trump broke the longest speech for a president in the Congress on the occasion of his great speech scheduled for Tuesday evening in the United States. Donald Trump broke the previous record set by Democratic President Bill Clinton – just over an hour and a half – during his speech on the state of the Union in 2000 with an intervention of one hour and forty minutes.
His hour and 40 minutes of speech was enamelled with superlatives and claims as striking as it is impossible to verify, that the 78 -year -old billionaire concluded by repeating that he had been “saved by God to return his greatness to America”, after an assassination attempt in Pennsylvania last summer.
Between interruptions and enumerations
All this was done in an atmosphere of palpable tension, the division between democrats and republicans having rarely been so visible, between sign outside, and demonstration of “resistance” inside. A few minutes after the start of the speech, the Democrat Al Green got up to tackle: “You do not have a mandate” to cut into public spending. His protest earned him an expulsion of the assembly under the mockery of the right.
🔴🇺🇸 Donald’s general policy speech #Trump was interrupted a few minutes after its beginning by the expulsion of the elected democrat Al Green, who has repeatedly hooked the American president
– France 24 French (@france24_fr) March 5, 2025
Between his interruptions, Donald Trump also took the time to applaud Elon Musk, who undertook at his request to dismantle the federal government and to slash in public spending, but also to list almost one by one of the “unnecessary” state expenses. In a rain of examples, claiming, without it being possible to verify it, that a 360 -year -old person was, for example, recorded as a beneficiary of social assistance.
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