On the one hand the European socialists, on the other the dem minority with Paolo Gentiloni in the front row. The one that materializes around Elly Schlein on the European rearmament plan has the appearance of a grip. The PD secretary has shown all his doubts On the level of Ursula von der Leyen, causing the reactions of the internal minority of the Democratic Party, from Lorenzo Guerini to Pina Picierno, up to Paolo Gentiloni who, in fact, has unknown the line of the secretary by talking about “right path” taken by Von der Leyen. Words that echo those of the group of European socialists and democrats: “A step in the right direction”.
The dem leader, however, intends to relaunch and, at the socialist preverty in Brussels, will insist “To obtain the support of our brothers and sisters in Europe“To say” yes to a common defense and not to the rearmament of individual European countries “. And if for the dem minority that proposed by Von der Leyen it is a first step in the right direction, Schlein is clear in rejecting the proposal:” Too little is good for what we are discussed. ”
“It is not the path that serves Europe,” says Schlein. “It’s the right path,” replies Paolo Gentiloni. The former Commissioner for European Economic Affairs speaks of possible “improvements”, but these are technicalities. For example, on the former exclusion clauses from the European budget rules. On this, says Gentiloni, it is right that Italy “asked that this exclusion is as coordinated as possible. It would be useful that the exclusion clause was for all countries, because if it is a only national clause, it could light spotlights on the public finance of the countries that require it. This second proposal can be improved. But I repeat, I repeat, it is one thing to say that it must be improved and one account is to say, perhaps because there is an unhappy title, Warfundia “.
In short, a correction of route compared to a shareable plant, like the one that also asks Lorenzo Guerini, president of Copasir and reference point of the reformists in Parliament. “The Von der Leyen proposal rightly defines the objective in terms of resources, but as it has been proposed it needs to be modified”, explains Guerini who, like Schlein, underlines the error represented by the use of cohesion funds in blue to finance the rearmament plan, as well as the scarce courage to perform “A real leap in the European sense of defense expenses“Despite this, also for Guerini as for Gentiloni, the Von der Leyen plan represents a starting point:” Now we have to get to work, first of all within the PSE, to confirmed our commitment for greater investments and skills in an greater investment and skills trying to give a more consistent address to the tools to do it “.
From the PSE, in any case, signals of opening to the von der Leyen plan arrive. “Europe’s security requires immediate, substantial and joint investments”, reads a post by the socialist and democratic group: “RE-ARM EU is a starting point, not of arrival. We need new funding dedicated to European defense, which strengthen our industry and safeguard at the same time our social well -being. This is the only way to a safe Europe and lasting support for Ukraine “. In the past few hours, Schlein has heard Pedro Sanchez to take stock of these and other themes in view of the pre -top of tomorrow’s PSE in Brussels.” It is time to put our face on Europe if we want an Europe that protects the most vulnerable, our young people, the elderly, the environment, the environment. themselves, said the Spanish premier.
For Elly Schlein, however, there are many aspects to be clarified, for example on the functioning of the new sure -style mechanism, to understand if it finances common projects or national expenditure. Because as it was presented “risks becoming the mere national rearmament of 27 countries and we are not there“, The secretary reiterates by reporting the absence of those European investments financed by the common debt that she and European socialists ask the Commission,” as during the pandemic “. A position reiterated today by Annalisa Corrado, member of the Dem and MEP S&D secretariat:” On the proposal announced by Ursula von der Leyen, I do the words of Elly Schlein: this is not the way to Europe. A clear political vision is completely missing to build a stronger and more autonomous European Union “. The words of a minority parliamentarian who complains of the absence of a confrontation with the secretary are also high in the dem minority on this theme:” The last occasion was the direction of the party which, however, took place before the announcement of the Trump duties at the European Union, before the clash with Zelensky, before the London summit “.
And among the reformists there are those who go to hypothesize a permanent comparison table in the party to share in real time the moves in such a fiery context. If the reformists mark the distances from the secretary’s line, Dario Franceschini ensures full and total adhesion and rejects the reconstructions that wanted him to approach the Dem minority on these issues: “I share Elly Schlein’s statements,” says Franceschini. “The ‘Resto’ plan of von der Leyen must be deeply revised because it does not lead to the common European defense, but to the strengthening of 27 national defenses, however, financing it with cohesion funds”.
And, with this, Franceschini announces the presence in the Pro-Europe square on March 15 together with several Europe, Action and Italy Viva. A square that breaks the opposition front since there will be no M5S. Giuseppe Conte, on direct demand, replies that his party has already scheduled the event in Piazza dell’Esquilino, on April 5. Evaluations in progress instead on the Italian left that is waiting to understand if it will be a square all oriented towards European military expenditure or if you change “paradigm” to a Europe that derogates from the stability pact to finance social spending.
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