The Korean Air Force said the KF-16 fighter pilot entered the wrong coordinates, leading to the wrong target bombing that injured 15 people.
“The combat process requires the crew to load the target coordinates for the aircraft and confirm with the naked eye in real bullets. Through the testimony of the pilot and other evidence, we determined that they have entered the wrong coordinates during the preparation process,” the Korean Air Force officials said in the press conference in Seoul today.
Officials of the Korean Coalition Chief of Staff confirmed that the air force always asked the crew to confirm the coordinates before taking off and during flight, as well as carefully checking the bombing area before fire. “We understand that there are errors in this process,” the Korean official said.
The Korean Air Force said two KF-16 fighters this morning “released” 8 Mark 82 bombs in the exercise in Gyeonggi province, about 35-40 km from the border with North Korea. These bombs fell outside the training field, at least one hit the residential area and destroyed 7 works, including one church. The incident also injured 15 people with different degrees.
The smoke rises in the residential area to win a bomb in Gyeonggi province, South Korea on March 6. Image: Yonhap
When asked the reason why both KF-16s dropped the wrong target bomb, the Korean defense official said “the aircraft led the border has entered the wrong coordinates” and “the air force is verifying the second position of the bomb cut”.
Local officials and the Korean scenery blocked the scene, evacuating all people in the area to prevent the possibility of bombs that have not exploded. A few hours later, they announced all the bombs exploded.
Mark 82 is a normal US bomb, containing 89 kg of strong explosives per fruit. This bomb is used to destroy infrastructure works, radius of horizontal damage an area of a football field, which can create a hole with a diameter of 8 m and 2.4 m deep.
This is one of the most widely used US and allies bombs. The original Mark 82 variant has no navigation system, requires pilots to use the computer system on the fighter to calculate the falling point and the time to drop bombs.
The F-16 multi-function fighter was developed by General Dynamics since the 1970s, used by the US and its allies. Each F-16 costs about $ 30-35 million customized, but customers can pay more or less based on the number of orders, economic-political conditions and other factors.
The Korean Aviation Industry Group (KAI) manufactured KF-16 on the basis of the F-16C/D series according to the US license, applying about 2,500 changes compared to the original sample. A total of 140 KF-16s shipped, the first fighters were staffed by the Korean Air Force in December 1994.
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