Hamas’s armed arm claims to continue “committed” to the cease -fire agreement in Gaza

The armed arm of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), the Ezzeldín Al Qassam brigades, said Thursday that it is still committed to the high fire despite the fact that the Israel government has “eluded many of its obligations.”

“The enemy leadership is trying to evade the agreement in an attempt by the prime minister to put his partisan interests above the lives of his prisoners,” said his spokesman, Abú Obeida, according to the newspaper ‘Filaastin’, related to Hamas.

In this sense, he has indicated that “the shortest path is to contain the enemy and force him to fulfill what he has signed”, since “threats”, in allusion to the blockade of humanitarian aid in the strip, will not lead to the release of hostages.

Abú Obeida has highlighted that if clashes resume in the Palestinian enclave the life of the kidnapped is in danger. However, he has assured that “resistance is in a state of greater preparation” before any possible scenario.

This occurs after Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netahyu, ordered the blockade of the entry of help to Gaza after Hamas after Hamas rejected his requirement to extend the first phase of Alto El Fuego, which expired on Saturday, and claimed that the parties be able to be agreed to the agreement reached in January, which now contemplated the beginning of the second phase of the pact.

By Editor

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