US President Donald Trump announced on Friday, March 7, which sent a letter to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Ali Hameni, calling him to negotiations in order to prevent Iran with nuclear weapons.
“On Thursday, I sent a letter to the Supreme Leader of Iran to start negotiations,” Trump said. “Iran should not have nuclear weapons.”
In early March, Iranian President Masud Cyzeshkin said that he planned to resume the dialogue with the United States under the Iranian nuclear transaction, but the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei spoke out against this.
At the same time, the president emphasized that the “Rahbar” Khamenei determines the policy in such strategic issues.
A month ago, in early February, Ali Khamenei said that he did not intend to discuss the Iranian nuclear program with representatives of the US President Donald Trump, noting that negotiations with Washington are “short -sighted, unreasonable and unworthy.”
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