The president of the United States, Donald Trump, said this Sunday that “almost” the suspension of exchange of intelligence information with Ukraine, in the face of conversations between Washington and kyiv in the next few days, has risen after the relationships between them have cooled after the clash with their Ukrainian pair, Volodimir Zelenski, in the White House.
Trump, when asked by journalists tonight in the ‘Airforce One’ about whether he is considering the option of raising such suspension, has declared that “almost” has been done and that he wants to “do everything possible so that Ukraine takes the task of doing something seriously.”
“They already know, he said that they do not have the letters in hand. Actually, nobody has them. Russia does not have them … what you have to do is reach an agreement and stop the deaths. It is a meaningless war and we will get it to stop,” he declared, according to the Fox News television network.
The diplomatic effort to achieve a peace agreement in Ukraine will continue this week, since Zelenski plans to travel to Saudi Arabia on Monday to meet with the country’s heir prince, Mohamed Bin Salmán, and his team will stay to talk with US officials.
Trump, about tariffs: “We are going to become so rich”
After the concerns about the consequences of the application of tariffs at an economic level, the US president has defended his package of tariff measures, indicating that “the only thing” he knows is that they will enter “hundreds of billions of dollars.”
“And we are going to become so rich that you will not know where to spend all that money, I assure you. You just have to observe. We will have jobs, we will have open factories, it will be great,” said the tenant of the White House.
Hours before, in an interview with the Fox News television network, he said that the tariffs on some products from Canada and Mexico planned for April 2 “could increase”, arguing that the postponement of a month awarded was a “little respite.” He also ruled out if he expects a recession this year and pointed out that it is a “transition period.”
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