Strike at the airport: Dog can stay with family in the Caribbean

Puerto Plata/Frankfurt – While some are stranded at the airport because of the strikes and worry about their vacation, this couple with a dog owes a few extra days in paradise to the strikers.

The Verdi strike has been lending since Monday night 13 airports in Germany Lahm. Around 3400 flights could be painted; Much more than half a million passengers are affected. And the strike did not stop at mixed breed dog Sugar in the Caribbean either.

“You can fly, but the dog has to stay here”

Two years ago, and Rebekka B. (40) and her friend Rolf B. (55) saved the bitch off the street. Since then the three have been inseparable

Photo: private

After three weeks full of sun, beach and sea in the Caribbean, Rebekka B., her friend Rolf B. and the family dog ​​Sugar from Munich should be back on Journey home go.

Your plan: at 7:25 p.m. in a Condor machine from Puerto Plata (Dominican Republic) rise – with arrival on Monday at 12.30 p.m. at the airport in Frankfurt (Hesse).

“On the day of departure, we did not receive any information from Condor that there could be problems with our flight or promoting our small street dog Sugar,” said Rebekka B. to BILD. But then the shock! An airport employee explains to them: “You can fly, but the dog has to stay here.”

Because of strike, the dog should have stayed in the cargo

For the mixed breed dog Sugar, it was supposed to go back to Germany, but because of the strike at the airports, she still has to stay in the Dominican Republic. Now the family can extend their vacation at the airline’s expense

Foto: 1414Leserreporter

The reason: at the goal, the Airport Frankfurtwas not unloaded by luggage because of the strike – and Sugar should have stayed in the cargo. No option for your owner!

“We tried to convince the soil staff to take Sugar into the cabin so that she can come home with us. The flight was not fully booked, there was still room for her, ”says Rebecca B.

Airline pays family’s vacation

An employee of the airport in Puerto Plata announces the bad news: bitch Sugar must not fly along

Foto: 1414Leserreporter

But no chance! The aircraft rule says: Animals Over eight kilos have to go to the cargo room – regardless of whether Strike Or not.

“It would never have been possible for us to leave Sugar alone there!” Says Rebekka B.

But then there was a happy turn. The three simply extend their dream vacation until the middle of the week, the airline bears the costs.

On Monday, Verdi employees go on strike at 13 German airports, as here at the airport in Düsseldorf

Photo: Imago/Revierfoto

While the mistress and owner are relieved, Sugar is not so easily gone. “It is constantly overwhelming, probably because of the excitement,” says dog mom Rebekka B.

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