The President of the European Council Cacute and Antonio Costa and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, welcomed the news from D & Zcaron on Tuesday about the talks of America and the Ukrainian delegation, included the Ccaron;
“We welcome today’s news from D & Zcaron; Ko-Ukrainian negotiations, including the Fire and America interruption agreement and CCaron; and the security assistance; I wrote Costa and Von Der Leyen on XU.
They assessed that this is a positive development of Dog & Dstrok; that could be a step towards a comprehensive, just and permanent peace for Ukraine.
“The ball is now in the Russian yard. The EU is ready to play its full role, along with its partners, in the coming and cacute negotiations,” they added.
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk also responded to conversations, describing them as a step toward peace. “Europe is ready to help; and to achieve righteous and lasting peace,” he wrote on Xu.
After today’s conversations in D & Zcaron; Edi Ukraine said she was willing to accept the Americans & CCaron; a proposal on a 30-day ceasefire. As Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky, USA & Cacute said; e now have to convince Russia in that.
America & Carron’s Secretary Marco Rubio after the interview said that & Cacute was a proposal to break the fire to be forwarded to Russia and hoped to accept it.
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