Municipal elections and referendums, the hypotheses on the dates

The municipal elections will be held on Sunday 25 and Monday 26 May and 8 and 9 June for the second round, with the election day to make the vote coincide on referendum with the first round or with the ballots. It is the hypothesis on which the government is working, as reported by the promoters of the five referendum questions after an hour of meeting at Palazzo Chigi with the Minister of the Interior Matteo planted and the Undersecretary for the Prime Minister, Alfredo Mantovano.

Elections and merger decree with referendums

Already in the next CdMexpected on Thursday, the election decree necessary to spread the vote (for each round) to the municipal ones and to decide the vote on two daysmerge with the referendum. Meanwhile, the referendums fear the vote in June, with connected ‘bathing’ risks, and intensify the pressing on the executive ‘called’ to “guarantee maximum participation” in the polls.

Objective quorum and participation

Reach the quorumthe declared goal of Maurizio Landini and Riccardo Magi entered the headquarters ‘accompanied’ by an inflatable matitone to symbolize the right to vote. “Vote in May” to avoid the escape escaped towards beaches or mountain locations, “greater information on radio” (worries the stall in Rai supervision) and give the opportunity to vote for workers and off -site students: they are the three cornerstones of the marking on the executive by the leader of the CGIL (promoter of the 4 referendums at work) and of the secretary of the most of Europe who launched the one on the city.

Government dates and evaluations

The node of theelection daynow the ‘game’ is played on the dates. In June we go to the sea, while in May the schools are open and the risk of empty urns would therefore be less, the thesis of the referendums. On the date to be circled in red for the election day the government, it is learned, is still being evaluated. The executive, with a note, underlines “the intention of identifying the dates for the next administrative and referendum consultations in order to reconcile the wider possibility of participation of citizens with the needs of continuity of the teaching activity in schools in the seat of the polling station. An evaluation is underway on the possibility of voting in two days (Sunday and Monday) instead of, as required by current legislation, in a single day”. Just as the “technical methods to allow the vote of the Fuorizede are being analyzed”, explains Palazzo Chigi.

Reporting concerns and requests

“We don’t want to think – Magi said in the flash mob in front of the Chamber shortly before the meeting with the government – that the Prime Minister wants to hide behind the abstention, that is, he wants to row in favor of the lack of the quorum”. The referendums then expressed “the Maximum concern for the government“On thetelevision “Knowing that it is not directly the institutional entity invested with this obligation but knowing – underlined Magi – that the institutional subjects who should move live for political reasons a stall. In particular the Rai Supervisory Commission which should approve the regulation for the regulation of the spaces of the election campaign “.

Government guarantees and initiatives

In relation to the request to ensure compliance with the rules on the ‘Pariani’, the Government “recalled how the greatest skills – underlined Palazzo Chigi – fall on the parliamentary commission for the general address and supervision of radio and television services and on the authority for the guarantees in communications and has in any case ensured that all the necessary initiatives will be adopted by the Department for information and publishing”.

Information coverage and allocations

Always on the information coverage front, Landini He urged the government to the release of a “allocation that in these cases concerns radio and televisions because it is possible that all those who make themselves available to give information can also have a contribution. There is a law that provides for it”. For the leader of the CGIL “the referendum is a tool that in the Constitution exists precisely to allow citizens to be able to pronounce directly on the laws. Democracy exists if citizens have the opportunity to practice it and the vote is one of the greatest tools of democracy”.

By Editor

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