Approved the resolution on the European rearmament plan: 419 favorable votes

“The EU is located in a turning point in which the maintenance of the status quo is no longer an option in the face of threats and the European security attacks “. The MEPs say it in the resolution on the white photographer approved with 419 votes in favor, 204 against and 46 abstentions.

In the text, not binding, the Parliament invites the EU to act urgently to guarantee its own safety. This means, according to deputies, to strengthen relations with the countries that share the same principles.

In the resolutionwhich represents the contribution of the deputies to the so -called “White Paper” on the future of European defense, That the Commission and the High Representative should present next week, the PE asks concrete measures to start “really innovative efforts” and actions “similar to those used in war time”.

Parliament supports the plan “ReArm Europe” proposed by the Commission, and asks to verify the possibility of introducing a system of European bonds to finance large -scale military investments and to resort to unused “Coronabonds”, to integrate the “Rearm Europe”.

Furthermore, in the adopted text the B is invitedEuropean hip for investments (beautiful) to invest more actively in the European defense industry Thanks to the abolition of the restrictions on the financing of the defense, as well as to the possibility of issuing debt to the destination bound.

To achieve peace and stability in Europe, the EU must support Ukraine and become more resilient itself, they reiterate the deputies. In the resolution it is stated that Europe is facing “the deepest military threat to its integrity territorial from the end of the Cold War “and the EU countries, the international partners and the allies of NATO are invited to remove all restrictions on the use of western weapon systems provided to Ukraine against military objectives in Russian territory.

Russia, supported by its allies Belarus, China, North Korea and Iran, represents “the direct and indirect threat More significant for the EU and its security “, it is affirmed in the text. The deputies underline how the recent declarations and actions of the Trump Administration have increased the concerns about the future attitude of the United States towards Russia, NATO and European Security. In addition, the PE firmly condemns the united States threats against Greenland. In light of this scenario, Parliament highlights that EU’s defense efforts cannot remain of limited dimensions, fragmented in terms of flow and slow as regards the results “. The deputies therefore ask for more efforts not only in the military sector, but also in the industrial, technological and intelligence sector.


Crying Democratic Party

There are ten deputies of the Democratic Party who voted for the resolution of the European Parliament on the White Paper for the Defense, containing the Rearm Europe plan presented by Ursula von der Leyen. Eleven members of the Dem delegation, however, opted for abstention.

Among other Italian parties, Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia voted in favorwhile Movement 5 Star, Lega and Green Alliance left they expressed themselves contrary. Thirteen MEP of the Democratic Party also voted against paragraph 68, which “welcomes” the Rearm Europe plan.

M5S, black page for democracy

“Today is a black page for European democracy. Parliament had the great opportunity to send a strong and clear message to Ursula von der Leyen, who wants to be exhausted by his powers using article 122 of the TFEU, and instead he has killed the white flag approving the resolution on the future of the European defense which supports Rearmeu, a crazy plan of 800 billion which will increase military escalation and further impoverish our Europe. Shame. “The delegation of the 5 Star Movement at the European Parliament says in a note.
“Rearm, war debts, cutting of cohesion funds, Scorpor of defense expenses, transformation of the Bank in the bank that finances the war: to this bellicist agenda as demonstrated yesterday in Strasbourg we will make a very hard opposition in the institutions, but also in the squares starting from the great event to be held on April 5. Europe who dreamed of De Gasperi It is not that of the rearmament of the national states, as well as yesterday he falsely said Ursula von der Leyen, but that of a European defense that was able to prevent future conflicts, not food. With consistency and determination we repeat a basic concept: Europe without peace dies “, conclude the MEPs of the 5 Star Movement.

By Editor