Armenia’s Foreign Ministry announced a formal announcement that all the details were agreed with the draft of the Peace Agreement with Azerbaijan, and that in Armenia are ready to discuss the date and place of the signing event on the agreement. Azerbaijan media reported that in Armenia they agreed to a series of extensive concessions in order to sign the agreement. In October 2024, Direct talks were held in Moscow between Armenian Prime Minister Nicole Pesrinian and President Azerbaijan Aylaham Alayev.
Since the early 1990s, with the dismantling of the Soviet Union, Armenia and Azerbaijan are struggling with three major war events. In September 2020, the Nagorno-Karbach War, which at the end of the Azerbaijan conquered Armenia the buffer area near the enclave, which was under the control of Armenian officials.
In September 2023, Azerbaijan opened in the Nagorno-Karbach Third War, and took control of all the enclave within a few days. In January 2024, she ceased to be “Republic of Artzhach”, the Armenian autonomous entity that took place in the Guru-Karbach until then, became part of the state of Azerbaijan.
Since then, several other border conflicts and clashes have been recorded in a series of disputes on the border between them. The Nagorno-Karbach War in 2020 proved beyond doubt that Azerbaijan enjoyed a large military advantage over Armenia, which allowed it to actually determine the situation in the field, and probably dictate the terms of the peace agreement.
Azerbaijan maintains extensive relationships with Israel, and is considered the largest oil exporter to Israel. At the same time, according to a series of reports in many media outlets, Israel has been providing large amounts of weapons and weapons in recent years, which allowed it the great security advantage. Armenia, on the other hand, a much poor country, and purchases weapons from India and Iran.
One of the biggest territorial disputes between Armenia and Azerbaijan is Baku’s demand to set up a ginger corridor – a land axis that will connect the state of Azerbaijan and the Azerian enclave Nahchiban, which is between Armenia and Iran. The azari intention to promote the establishment of a great concern in Iran, which fears that in such a situation, the continental approach will be dedicated. At present, it is unclear whether Armenia and Azerbaijan have been obtained when it comes to the hallway.
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