Lebanon: $ 2.5 million seized at Beirut Airport could be intended for Hezbollah

In February, the authorities of Lebanon confiscated at Beyrut airport at the passenger who arrived from Turkey, $ 2.5 million in cash intended for Hezbollah. The case is still investigated by Lebanese judicial authorities, reports Al-Arabia.

The detainee, Muhammad Arith Hussein, claims that confiscated funds belonged to a certain Shiite charitable organizations. He also stated that a certain Iranian, whose personality was unknown to him, handed him money to Sabiha Airport in Turkey, without mentioning the Supreme Shiite Council of Livan.

However, it was the Higher Islamic Shiite Council of Livan who sent a letter to the prosecutor’s office, which claims that the confiscated money was donations received from foreign organizations. The Council did not provide any official documents confirming this statement.

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