A single square for a center -left divided. And one, indeed, three flags. Together with the ‘starry’ blue of theUe also the colors of peace in addition to the banners of theUkraine. As to underlie the different political sensitivities in the rearm plane voted to Strasbourg. All leaders of the minority parties – except Giuseppe Conte – will be in Piazza del Popolo a Roma to join the appeal launched on the columns of Republic and Michele Serra And then welcomed by a large group of mayors, associations and characters from the world of entertainment.
There will be no president M5s (clearly against the plane of the EU Commission) determined not to go up to “a hammock full of bombs,” he said quoting a cartoon of Vaurus. Present, except for changes from the last hour, Elly Schlein (Pd), Carlo Calenda (Action), Matteo Renzi (Italy Viva), Riccardo Magi (Più Europe) and the ‘tandem’ Bonelli-Fratoianni (AVS). “More diplomacy”, “no to the ride to the rearmament of the individual states”, “yes to a free, strong and armed Europe”: each party head will calm a tile to ‘make space’ and to claim its own idea of Europe, of common defense and to indicate the best way to obtain peace a Kiev.
All in a context in which the protection umbrella of United States with the new administration Trump – (unique) common thesis among the leaders of minorities – it seems no longer so open. An Amaca, however that of the long -term journalist, ‘pride’ with internal cracks not only to the center -left but also to Pdopposition towing party. So the square for Europe will also be a heap of distinction among the forces that do not support the executive.
Internal cracks to the Democratic Party
Il Democratic Party will be split between the ‘faithful’ to the line of Nazarene against the Resto Plan (on which they abstained) proposed by the From the Leyen and reformists – including the president of Pd, Stefano Bonaccini – who instead voted in favor in the wake with the Pse. “The common defense for us is a very different thing from the rearmament of the individual 27 Member States”, is the ‘square’ of the secretary dem aware of the need for “clarification” inside the party.
A ‘liquid’ manifestation that then acts as a bank to an unprecedented ‘axis’ between Calenda-Magi-Riformisti dem: the secretaries of Action e di Most Europein fact, a few hours before the maxi meeting in Piazza del Popolowill be at the presentation of the appeal “for a free and strong Europe” launched by the vice president of the dem European Parliamentamong the most convinced supporters of White Paper on the future of defense Ue. In the square, the exponents of Action e Most Europe They will parade together with the Ukrainian and Georgian communities.
Well the microphone denied to politicians but “it would be really absurd to have a parade of artists and intellectuals without giving voice to those who fight for their freedom and desperately want to enter Europe”, they explain Magi e Calenda. “We will not leave Europe to the ‘pacifinti'”, then claims the leader of Action. Accompanied by the flags of peace will be Bonelli e Fratoianni. For a strong Europe that “builds diplomacy” and that will have to focus on welfare, public health “not on weapons”, claims the co-sport of Green Europe.
Critish A from the Leyen
The approach of Matteo Renzi which he defined From the Leyen “A bureaucrat algid unable to make long -term projects”. “Whoever says that weapons are not needed and praises the ‘Peace and Love’ makes fun of you: he is a populist. But also – he remarks the leader of Italy Viva – Whoever says let’s arm ourselves and we come to Mosca It’s crazy. The 800 billion amazing of Ursula von der Leyen they serve the president to stay in the newspapers. But this figure is also not very credible. It is a number to bore the fans, not to make a serious project “. Different ‘political squares’ tablets in a single space. And after tomorrow the ‘test’ manifestation will move – also for the center -left – in Parliament with the motions for communications of Giorgia Meloni in view of the European Council next week a Bruxelles.
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