Meloni reads the Ventotene Manifesto, "It is not my Europe". Chaos in the room, anger of the oppositions

Chaos in the Chamber of Deputies. Chamber repeatedly suspended and eventually postponed to after the question time. The fuse is the prime minister Giorgia Meloni that, in concluding the replicas on communications made in view of the European Council of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, cites some passages extrapolated from Ventotene manifesto by closing “I don’t know if this is your Europe but it is certainly not mine”. The oppositions arise, shout “shame” and invoke a position of the president Lorenzo FontanA, who struggles to restore order in the hemicycle, so much so that he is forced to suspend the session.

But the tension does not subside and at the resumption of the works is still a clash, exponents of the minority forces intervene, the tones rise, the classroom is unmanageable. Then the climate seems to be checked, and after the very hard words spoken by Marco Grimaldi of AVS (“Meloni apologizes”), Federico Fornaro Of the PD who is moved (“It is not acceptable to make the caricature of the men protagonists of the Manifesto of Ventotene. She, President Meloni, sits in this parliament also thanks to them. We are here thanks to those visionaries of Ventotene who were confined politicians. They kneel in front of these men and women, do not insult their memory”) and the pentastellato Alfonso Colucci (“There is no room in this classroom for fascism”), with new clashes in the hemicycle, the leader of action takes the floor Matteo Richetti.

But when he pronounces the word “fascism” the right explodes and chaos resumes over. They tell that the new wave of protests were triggered by the words spoken by the group leader of Fdi, Galeazzo Bignamiwho would have extended his arms saying “and enough with this fascism …”, accompanied by some “outside,” and “shame” from the majority benches. The situation becomes hot. Fontana can only suspend the session again and convene an informal meeting of the group leaders. It is to the third office of the state that the oppositions, as already done before in the classroom and more filming, ask to intervene and distance themselves from what the premier said.

Fontana does it, while stigmatizing the tones used in the hemicycle. The words of the President of the Chamber are clear: “I ask everyone to maintain tones consions and adapted to the room classroom and this also to honor the memory of those who have put their lives into play to ensure the principles of freedom and expression by everyone”. And again: “Those who have fought for our freedom deserves our applause and also deserve that we have respect for this classroom, therefore I ask you in the name of that freedom and democracy to consider the classroom in a sacred way”. Applause in the hemicycle. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister, engaged in the traditional Quirinale breakfast that anticipates the European councils, placed on his social channels the video in which he speaks in the classroom of Ventotene with the word “judged you”.

It is therefore necessary to take a step back: Meloni is concluding the replicas in the courtroom. Sfdera Stitletto with the 5 Stars (“frankly I don’t have time for your struggle in the mud”) but also to the Democratic Party, of which he underlines the “contradictions” explaining that he wants to wait for the subsequent intervention of the secretary Elly Schlein To understand what the dem line is.

At this point Meloni starts to conclude: “I am always happy and I have great respect for participation and the events. In the Saturday event” – he says referring to the event that took place in Piazza del Popolo last Saturday – “and in this classroom the Manifesto of Ventotene has been recalled several times, I hope these people have never read the Ventotene Manifesto because the alternative would be frankly frightening. It will have to be socialist ‘. From here on, chaos reigns.

The premier leaves the classroom and heads in the rooms reserved for the government, with her the ministers Crosetto, Giorgetti and Tajani, In addition to the Undersecretary Mantuan (no criticism from the allies, it is underlined by the sources of the government). In the meantime, Fontana informally brings together the group leaders to try to overcome the critical moment. But it is in the transatlantic that there are ‘moods’ both of the center -right and the oppositions. The latter remain on the war footing, demand the apologies of Meloni and a position of President Fontana.

In the majority Fdi makes a square around the premier but the decision to read some passages of the Ventotene text surprised the allies. Some representatives of the League, with the microphones off, observe that “one could avoid moving the discussion from Europe to an ideological battle”. While several blues explain that they would not have made it. Tajani rush to the Chamber to go to the Quirinale for breakfast and just say: “Great respect for everyone, my Europe is that of De Gasperi, Adenauer and Schuman”. The other vice premier, Matteo Salvini,He is busy in Brussels and does not intervene on the merits of the clashes. But denies that the initial absence from the League’s classroom (then arrived Giorgetti and Calderoli) hides divisions: “non -existent controversy”. To point out it was Viva Italia, to which Meloni had responded directly (“The compactness of the government is not given by the presence of ministers in the classroom”). “In order to cover the divisions of the right, the edges of Salvini, the patriot Meloni is willing to irrew the fathers of the homeland and Europe”, observes the dem Peppe Provenzano. “They want to change the narrative of this country”, the accusations that come from the opposition ranks

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