Mattarella: "The mafia can be defeated, it depends on us". Meloni: "Italy bows in front of the sacrifice of the victims"

The mafia can be won. It depends on us: many bright examples confirm it. “With these words the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella renews his commitment on the occasion of the national day of memory and commitment in memory of the victims of the mafias, established thanks to the work of Libera and other associations, which for thirty years have promoted a civil mobilization against organized crime.

“Each area was hit by this scourge: servants of the Republic, women and men who fought to improve society, entrepreneurs and citizens who rejected the blackmail of crime, simple people who ended up under the assassin shot,” recalled the head of state. “Their names are part of ours collective memoryand it is against them that the commitment to fight the mafias, starting from the institutions to the places of everyday life, is renewed, overcoming resignation and indifference, allies of violent and overwhelming “.

“An important moment of reflection”

“Today is the day of memory and commitment in memory of the innocent victims of the mafias, an important moment of reflection for all of us”. These are the words chosen by the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni who recalled the value and importance of the anniversary.

“Italy and its institutions bow themselves in front of the sacrifice of those who have lost their lives at the hands of organized crime: honest citizens, servants of the state, innocent people who fell under the cowardly shots of a vile and ruthless yoke”, wrote Meloni on social networks. “Honoring their sacrifice means acting for strengthen justice, guarantee security, defend freedom of all citizens, reject and eradicate all form of illegality, violence and abuse. The mafias are a declared enemy of our democracy, an offense to the dignity of the nation “.

“There can be no justice without truth”

The Minister of Justice was also joined to this commitment, Carlo Nordio underlining how “one of the most noble and moving phrases of the Gospel of John is’ only the truth will make you free”. In this sense, justice is also strictly combined with the truth: there can be no justice if there is no truth, understood as a faithful reconstruction of the facts that have led to so many mourning in our country “. The Guardasigilli highlighted how “a lot of journey has been taken in the fight against organized crime; and more remains to be done, probably, to find those truths that so far may be escaped. It is a task to which the judiciary, the police, the government itself, and every citizen are dedicated”.

“The truth will bring us closer to justice – concluded Nordio – always in the awareness that it is an imperfect justice, as human nature is imperfect. But this awareness must never translate into resignation. Indeed, it is precisely in the memory of the victims of the mafia, from magistrates to simple citizens, that we must find the strength to reaffirm a solemn and unconditional commitment: to operate, with all the possible means of the to the truth “.


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