Police dissolves a neo -Nazi manifestation in Berlin after the success of anti -fascist countermanifestation

The German police have interrupted and dissolved a neo -Nazi demonstration in Berlin before the numerous assistance of counter -family members.

Police have reported on their account in the social network X that the decision has been made to ensure that participants in the event, about 850, could leave without problems of the place, in the Berlin neighborhood of Friedrichshain.

In response to the neo -Nazi call under the motto “by law and order. Against leftist extremism and violence for political reasons” some 2,000 people have seconded an anti -fascist counter -mail that has materialized in 15 points of protest with hundreds of people blocking the street of the demonstration.

Police have deployed about 1,500 agents to separate the two faced blocks. Several participants in the extreme right demonstration were arrested.

This is the third manifestation of extreme right since December 2024 under the same motto in the German capital. A month ago about 150 neo -Nazis participated in the march and in December there were about 60 participants.

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