Special envoy of Trump praises Putin after meeting in Moscow
Steve Witkoff, the special envoy of the United States, expects that a personal meeting will take place between Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump in the coming months. Putin knows that it is currently politically difficult for Trump to come to Russia, Witkoff said in a conversation with the right-wing political commentator and former Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson. “I think it is very generous that he welcomed me.”
Witkoff is actually the Middle East envoy of Trump, but has traveled twice to Moscow twice in recent weeks to speak with Putin, including about the end of the Russian war against Ukraine.
Witkoff said that he does not consider Putin as a “bad guy”. “This war and all the ingredients that led to it are a complicated situation. You know, it’s never just about one person, right?” After his first meeting with Putin, Witkoff had already spoken very positively about the Kremlin leader and said that a friendship with him had arisen.
The 68-year-old said it is now about building a relationship of trust with Putin. A conflict with a large nuclear power can only be resolved through consultation, he said. Putin also told him that he had prayed for the Republicans after the murder attempt on Trump last summer, Witkoff continued. “He prayed for his friend.”
Witkoff also talked about the peace negotiations. “We want the Russians to be satisfied in one way or another. We want the Ukrainians to be satisfied in one way or another. We talk to Europeans.”
Ultimately, there must be an agreement “that everyone can live with,” according to the special envoy. “The goal is a cease-fire of 30 days, in which we will talk about a permanent ceasefire. We are not far from that.”
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