Both occupants are Germans: small plane crashed in Sweden

A tiny plane crash in Sweden may have claimed the lives of two Germans. One of the two perished in the accident in Lake Siljan in the Dalarna province, according to the Swedish police.

It was exceedingly doubtful that the rescuers would still discover the second of the two Germans inside the amphibious aircraft alive on Tuesday, but the search for him went on. The missing person may be on board or close to the crash, according to Swedish media reports.

On Monday afternoon, a twin-engine amphibious aircraft with a US registration crashed in Lake Siljan, roughly 300 kilometers northwest of Stockholm. Witnesses heard it fall into the lake and saw it happen.

Both passengers were German nationals, according to the authorities; their origins in the Federal Republic are yet unknown.

Accident’s origin is still unknown.

During a search effort on Monday, one of them was located by a rescue chopper, and his demise was later verified. According to a police spokesman, he was between 60 and 70 years old, and the missing person was between 20 and 30.

On Tuesday, the cause of the tragedy remained a mystery. According to the police spokesman’s response to the dpa’s question, the plane wreck would likely be dived on Wednesday. The lake’s depth can present a challenge. The Aftonbladet newspaper reports that the water is over 80 meters deep around the accident’s approximate scene. The responsible lifeguard informed the press that few people could dive so deep.

Aircraft that is amphibious can land on both land and water. The pilots reportedly rehearsed taking off and landing on the water on Monday, according to the TT news agency. This hasn’t been verified yet. (dpa)

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