Russia claims to have foiled a Ukrainian landing attempt in Crimea

Agile Russian air forces they stopped an attempted landing by Ukrainian troops during the night Captain Tarkhankut in Crimea. This was reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense as reported by Ria Novosti.

“In the northwestern part of the Black Sea, the actions of aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces stopped the attempt to penetrate the territory of Crimea by a landing group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which was heading in the direction of Cape Tarkhankut with a high-speed military vessel and three jet skis” says Moscow.

Previous attempts

This is not the first attempt by Ukrainian amphibious forces to land in Crimea, adds the Russian agency: on September 10, Russian planes destroyed three boats with Ukrainian troops headed for Crimea near the island of Zmeiny in the Black Sea.

On September 4, naval aviation had struck four Willard Sea Force boats that were heading towards Cape Tarkhankut. Another Ukrainian detachment attempted to land in Crimea on August 30 and was stopped by the Russian army, which hit four boats and about 50 people.

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