Hamas attacks Israel by land, sea and air

The videos published by the terrorists show how they have used more sophisticated weapons

Hamas terrorists unleashed chaos during the early hours of this Saturday in Israel, after they managed to cross from the Gaza Strip and enter Israeli towns near that territory. As the agency photographs show, the Islamist radicals have left in their wake streets full of corpses and they have taken hostages citizens they have captured during the assaults. By early afternoon, at least 100 Israelis had been killed and 900 wounded.

According to videos published by Hamas on social networks, Palestinian terrorists have managed to reach Israeli territory riding motorized paragliders. They have also tried to carry out an assault by sea, using small boats that, in some cases, have been destroyed by the Israeli Navy, as reported by the newspaper ‘Haaretz’.

In addition to a video published by the terrorist group itself, in which the radicals were seen climbing the paragliders others shared by social media users also showed them approaching the towns where they later wreaked havoc.

As seen in other videos, terrorists have also used drones to destroy Israeli tanks.

While the Israeli Army responds harshly to the chain of attacks – with aerial bombardments that have so far left almost 200 Palestinians dead and hundreds injured – the country’s Intelligence has to do in the face of criticism of those who point out that such an event has only been possible as a result of a serious miscalculation.

By Editor

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