Western countries in a joint statement: “Support Israel, Hamas does not represent the Palestinians”

The leaders of France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain and the United States published tonight (between Monday and Tuesday) the joint statement regarding the Hamas attacks: “Today, we – President of France Macron, Chancellor Schulz of Germany, Prime Minister of Italy Maloney, Prime Minister of Great Britain Sonak, and President of the United States Biden – express our firm and united support for the State of Israel, and express unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and its horrific acts of terrorism.”

Hamas threatened to kill the abductees; A country in the West in a joint statement: “Support Israel”
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In their statement, it is stated that “We make it clear that the terrorist actions of Hamas have no justification, no legitimacy, and must be condemned in an overwhelming manner. There is never any justification for terrorism. In recent days, the world has watched in horror as Hamas terrorists massacre families in their homes, slaughtering over 200 young people who were enjoying a music festival , and kidnap elderly people, children and entire families, who are now being held hostage. Our countries will support Israel in its efforts to protect itself and its people from such atrocities. We will also emphasize that this is not the time for any party hostile to Israel to take advantage of these attacks to seek an advantage.”

It was further added that “we all recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people and support equal measures of justice and freedom for Israelis and Palestinians alike. But make no mistake: Hamas does not represent these aspirations, and it offers nothing to the Palestinian people except more terror and bloodshed.”

They concluded: “During the coming days, we remain united and coordinated, together as allies, and as mutual friends of Israel, to ensure that Israel can defend itself, and ultimately set the conditions for a peaceful and integrated region in the Middle East.”

By Editor

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