Cologne: Men kidnap a doctor from her practice |  Regional

Cologne (NRW) – Disturbing case in a Cologne doctor’s office: A female doctor (51) is said to have been overpowered by two men and then kidnapped. As the “Kölner Rundschau” reports, the kidnappers wanted to make a sex film with the woman. They are said to have packed her in a box and drugged her!

The case: The two men (39, 54) are said to have overpowered the woman on Friday, then against her will in an apartment in the district Brought to Cologne-Niehl and held there. The public prosecutor announced this on Monday. “The victim’s husband reported her missing on Friday evening after she didn’t come home from work,” said a spokeswoman.

According to initial statements, the kidnappers released their victim on Saturday afternoon. “She was able to contact the police independently, who then went to the apartment and arrested the accused,” said the spokeswoman.

Suspected kidnappers in custody

As the “Kölnische Rundschau” writes, a patient is said to have become pushy during treatment and overwhelmed the doctor. The woman is then said to have been packed into an aluminum box and kidnapped. “At least one of the suspects is said to have sedated the woman. As we learned, the anesthetic chloroform was said to have been used for this,” it said.

And: The men’s goal was to make a sex film with the woman! The two accused have been in custody since Sunday Pretrial detention. The public prosecutor’s office has not yet wanted to make any further details public because of the ongoing investigation.

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