Fashion millionaire Peter Nygård sentenced in Canada – Linda Lampenius: A big day for the victims – Foreign countries

Nygård was convicted of four sexual crimes and was acquitted of one charge of sexual crime and deprivation of liberty.

in Helsinki Canadian-born Finnish fashion millionaire Peter Nygaard has been found guilty in a trial in Toronto, Canada, a public broadcaster CBC tells.

Nygård was guilty of four sexual crimes and was acquitted of one charge of sexual crime and deprivation of liberty.

The jury gave its decision on the fifth day of deliberation. The length of the sentences will be determined later.

“This is a big day for all of us victims of Peter Nygård,” says the violinist Linda Lampeniuswho was persecuted by Nygård twenty years ago.



Linda Lampenius

“Regardless of how Nygård has treated us, the most important thing now is to support those who have become victims of sexual violence,” Lampenius tells Helsingin Sanomat.

“He has now been found guilty,” says Nygård’s son Kai Bickle.

Bickle has stood up against his father and supported the women who accused Nygård of rape. He says he is relieved by the court’s decision.

At least 120 women have accused Nygård of raping them.

Nygårdia was charged with five sexual crimes and one count of deprivation of liberty. The cases date from the late 1980s to the 2000s.

In the six-week trial, all five women who accused Nygård were heard. According to the CBC, the women’s testimonies were shocking and detailed. Four of the women were in their twenties at the time of the incident, and one was 16 years old.

In addition to the Toronto lawsuit, similar charges have been brought against Nygård in Quebec and Manitoba. In addition to Canada, Nygård is also accused of sexual crimes in the United States.

According to prosecutors, Nygård has had dozens of victims in the United States, Canada and the Bahamas. Nygård has repeatedly denied all the charges against him.

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