Javier Milei, new Argentine president, has Croatian roots through his mother

The new Argentine president, that gentleman who is advised by cloned dogs and who presents himself as a tantric sex instructor, seems to have Croatian roots as well.

As the South American media write, mother Javiera Mileija, Alicia Lujan Lucich allegedly has its roots in Croatia.

And as soon as this extreme right-winger was chosen as president, a Uruguayan journalist immediately called Rodrigo Lussich. He claims that he and Milei are actually distant relatives with Croatian roots….

‘Depends on who wrote…’

– Javier is my cousin. That is the absolute truth. His mother’s name is Alicia Lucich and she is of Croatian origin, as is my whole family. When Croats arrived in South America, as was the case with most immigrants, depending on who recorded them, the surnames varied. Well, we have Luciche, Lussish, Lusish… But we all belong to the same branch. One of my relatives studied our entire family tree and confirmed it to me – said the Uruguayan journalist, reports El Observador.

By the way, with parents Alicia and Norbert Javier did not have a good relationship. He said that his childhood was full of violence, and he didn’t even communicate with his parents for more than a decade…

Photo: Profimedia

– I do not share their moral values ​​- Javier said and added:

– I suffered abuse from my father. He was a very complicated guy. My mother did not defend me from his attacks – Milei said at the time.

He has improved his relationship with his parents in recent years. His mother was also present at his victory celebration and could not hold back her tears, writes Rosario3.

Global warming? A fabrication of the left!

Sigurani are proud of their son, who entered politics only a few years ago, but because of his distinctive personality, as well as his appearance, he was immediately noticed.

The nickname “El Loco”, as he was called in elementary school because of his impetuous temper, is still in circulation…


His campaign to enter the lower house of the Argentine Congress in 2021 was successful. Milei didn’t spend a lot of money, he mostly walked the streets of Buenos Aires and talked to people. It proved to be enough. He increasingly built a cult around himself. Others are politicians, and he is part of the people…

This political success gave him wings and shortly after that he announced that he would run in the presidential elections. But few took him seriously, or as a threat to ‘established politicians’… Because of him, it was thought, everything would be more fun, but he is a secondary character who came for a bit of fame.

But Milei “added gas”. His rhetoric became more and more harsh, he had less and less patience, and he presented himself as the only person who could “remove” the corrupt order from power.

Tantric sex and selling organs

And that was liked by many Argentines, who have been disappointed in their politicians for a long time. Javier’s bizarre statements from the past didn’t bother them too much either, and there are a lot of them…


In short, the new Argentine president does not believe in global warming. For this far-right, it’s a conspiracy of the left.

He does not see anything controversial in the legalization of organ trade either.

– If someone decided to sell an organ, how does that affect the freedom of others. Who are you to determine what another person wants to do with their life? – asks Milei.

In public appearances, he also boasted about his rich sexual life. He admits that he participated in several ‘threesomes’, and he has described himself on several occasions as a tantric sex instructor.

It is not strange for him to talk about his penis, erection, ejaculation in interviews…

– Prostitution? I don’t see anything controversial in that – says Milei.


Known by the nickname “El Peluca” (The Wig), colleagues and acquaintances compare him to the Marvel character Wolverine.

He never rejected claims that he communicates with dogs. He says that what he does in his home in terms of spirituality is only his business…

By Editor

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