Climate activist? Greta Thunberg : “Crush Zionism”
Greta Thunberg again against Israel: After speaking out against Israel several times during the war in Gaza, the climate activist was caught again participating in a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Stockholm.In a document distributed on social networks, Greta was recorded participating in a protest held last Thursday, along with dozens of other people, calling “destroy Zionism”. Afterwards, it could be seen that the protest was being led by three Muslim immigrants waving PLO flags.

About two weeks ago Thunberg participated in the Klim conference and read: “There is no climate justice in an occupied land.” One of those present at the conference burst onto the stage, tried to grab her microphone and said: “I came here for the climate issue, not for a political rally.” The winds raged and the event team hurried to take him off the stage – to the applause of the audience on the spot.

This, as mentioned, is not Thunberg’s first statement in recent times. A few weeks ago she wrote on her Twitter account that she “stands by Gaza”. Thunberg, who received awards and accolades following her actions for the environment, including an honorary award from the Royal Geographical Society of Scotland and “Time” magazine’s Woman of the Year for 2019, and was included in the list of 100 influential women in “Forbes” magazine, did not write a single word about the victims of the murderous terrorist attack by Hamas in the surrounding settlements.

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