Dutch translation of book about British royal family accidentally reveals who the ‘Royal racist’ is and is immediately removed from the shelves

United Kingdom

The Dutch version of it was available for less than a day Endgame, the long-awaited book by British biographer Omid Scobie about the British royal family, is on the shelves or has already been removed. The reason for this is that the identity of the ‘Royal racist’ is mentioned in the Dutch book, while the English book is silent about it.

It is no secret that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle point to an incident of racism as one of the reasons for their departure from the United Kingdom and the British royal family. In their much-discussed interview with Oprah Winfrey in March 2021, the two said that “someone within the British royal family” was concerned about the skin color of their future child. The “royal racist”, as that person was immediately dubbed by the British tabloids, is said to have worried about what someone with a dark skin color would mean for the image of the royal family. Who the “royal racist” was was never revealed.

Controversial book

There has been nervousness in the United Kingdom in recent weeks and months, because a new book by British royalty watcher Omid Scobie could change that. This was already apparent in pre-publications and leaked fragments Endgame: Inside the royal family and the monarchy’s fight for survival had explosive content. Scobie writes, among other things, about the day of Queen Elizabeth II’s death, and that the royal family had not waited for Prince Harry to send out the press release of her death.

Another important theme in Endgame: the Megxit and the racism incident that preceded it. An employee of Meghan allegedly discovered who the royal racist was based on her correspondence, Scobie writes. But Scobie didn’t mention a name. In his own words because the laws surrounding defamation make that impossible for him.

But in the Dutch translation of Endgame which was published on Tuesday, it is stated in black and white that it was King Charles who was concerned about the skin color of his grandchild. When the publisher discovered this, it was immediately decided to remove the book from the shelves. The Dutch publisher Xander received “a last-minute request from the US to stop sales,” the British newspaper reported. Daily mail.

British press is silent

How the passage ended up in the Dutch version is a mystery, according to the publisher. A spokesperson confirms that the name has crept in, “but I cannot provide any details about it.” “We have received a request for the book on hold and we did that. We are now awaiting further instructions.”

Scobie also contributes RTL Boulevard not knowing how that mistake could have happened. By his own account, he never mentioned King Charles himself. “I wrote the English version, and in that version no names are mentioned. Unfortunately I don’t speak Dutch. If there are translation errors, the publisher will take the necessary action.”

Striking: the British press remains silent in all languages ​​and does not reveal the name of the “royal racist”. The fact that King Charles’ name is circulating on the internet has everything to do with the pre-publication of Endgame which was sent to two Dutch journalists. On X, Dutch royalty watcher Rick Evers writes that he is one of those journalists. In a video he quotes from the translation and confirms that it was indeed King Charles who made the controversial statement.

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