A hairdresser is arrested for drug trafficking in Italy because some of his clients were bald

A 55-year-old Italian hairdresser has been arrested by the Carabinieri accused of drug trafficking, when investigating a “strange coming and going” of people at his premises, which is located in Genoa, and His clientele included “bald people who probably didn’t need a haircut.”», reports EFE.

From the Provincial Command of Genoa, the following has been indicated in a statement: “The authorities noticed a strange coming and going in the man’s store, owner of a barbershop in the Foce neighborhoodwith the immediate entry and exit even of bald people, who probably did not need a haircut.

Faced with this surprising scenario, the Italian police were alerted and were able to verify that the barbershop not only did hair, but that the hairdresser was a drug dealer. Between haircuts, drugs were traded, something that could be discovered when noticing a more intense movement of people than normal and seeing that some of the people who went there had no hair.

In this way, it was found that “some clients, of different ages and professions, went to the hairdresser only with the intention of purchasing hair.” narcoticswhile others combined the cut with the purchase of one or more doses.

Cocaine and precision scales hidden in an attic

From ‘La Repubblica’ they indicate that, although it seems like a joke, the case is totally real, and the ‘barber camel’ “was discovered by the Carabinieri of the Genoa Investigation Unit, with the collaboration of colleagues from the Forte San police station. Giuliano.

In a first search of the barber’s home, investigators found several grams of hashish. In the hair salon they also found 100 grams of cocainehidden in an attic, in addition to four precision scales and material to package these substances, according to the source cited above.

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