Sweden: Meow cat Dagny saves neighbor's life |  News

This cat not only has seven lives, but also a seventh sense…

Sweden is amazed at this miracle pet! The Persian cat Dagny (3) saved the life of a neighbor with her persistence. And it happened like this:

In the city of Gävle (around 75,000 inhabitants, located 173 km north of Stockholm), Maria Ådahl (57) lives with her cat in an apartment building. Around 6 p.m., Dagny suddenly behaved extremely strangely: she sat down at the apartment door and meowed for hours!

Her owner told the newspaper “ Aftonbladet”: “I looked through the peephole and stepped outside the door to see if anyone was in the stairwell. But there was no one there and I didn’t hear anything.” After she closed the door again, the cat continued meowing.

For good reason, as Maria Ådahl later realized. When Dagny was still making noise around 11 p.m., Maria got tired of it. She opened the door again, and the cat immediately darted out into the hallway and darted to the door of a neighbor’s apartment. There, her owner reports, Dagny started scratching like crazy at the door. Ådahl: “I just thought, ‘Oh no, now I have to pay for the scratched door’.”

Rescue at the last moment

At that moment she got mad at her cat: “I went to her and leaned down to her. Then I suddenly heard a noise.” Maria, astonished, opened the mail slot in the door. “Then I heard a faint cry for help.”

Ådahl immediately knew what to do: she alerted a neighbor who she knew had a key to the old lady’s apartment (in her nineties). Together they found their neighbor on the kitchen floor – she had fallen and seriously injured her head.

Ådahl, a trained nurse herself, looked after her neighbor until the emergency doctor arrived. He later discovered that the elderly lady would probably not have survived much longer because of the high blood loss.

But thanks to alarm cat Dagny, she is enjoying good health again. As a reward, the fallen neighbor’s daughter brought cat food over. As “Aftonbladet” writes, Dagny now makes an “inspection” to the scratched door every evening.

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