Nuclear agreement: The Iranian foreign minister has stated that the signing in Vienna is imminent

Nuclear agreement: The Lebanese “Al-Miyadin” network announced today (Sunday) that the Iranian Foreign Minister, Amir Abdullahian Stated that the negotiations in Vienna were nearing completion, and that the signing was closer than ever.

In a conversation between the Iranian Foreign Minister and the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, The latter agreed that the talks in Vienna were indeed progressing positively. Abdulhian said: “We are close to an agreement in Vienna, we have moved our proposals on the remaining issues in negotiations to the American side, through the representatives of the European negotiations. The ball is now in the US court.”

Meanwhile, the French Foreign Minister, Jean-Yves Le Darian, Confirmed the report a few days ago. La Darian said that “there is a document ready for discussion regarding the Iranian nuclear program. We are facing a summary document that will suit all parties to the negotiations.”

Talks to rescue nuclear deal in Vienna (Photo: Reuters)

The Iranian Foreign Minister and the UN Secretary-General also discussed the issue of a ceasefire in Yemen, in which Abdullahan expressed his satisfaction with the adoption of the ceasefire in the country. He also praised the role of the UN Secretary-General and said: “It is time to take basic and courageous steps in the context of establishing peace and ensuring stability in Yemen.” Guterresh said that “the armistice in Yemen is a joint success and a victory achieved thanks to each of the parties.”

As you may recall, a ceasefire between the Saudi coalition and the Yemeni government took effect yesterday. UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, Announced that “under this ceasefire, all offensive military operations, on land, air and sea, will cease.” However, a military source in Sanaa today accused the Saudi coalition of violating the armistice in Yemen.

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