Since the beginning of the special military operation, Moscow has been counting Ukrainian losses

Announced the spokesperson Russian Ministry of Defense General Igor Konashenkov, today, Tuesday, April 12, that Russian Armed Forces It destroyed 38 Ukrainian military targets in one day, including an ammunition depot and a place for storing military equipment.

“Fighters and helicopters of the Russian Air Force destroyed 38 Ukrainian military targets, including an ammunition depot in the Luhansk region, and 8 storage sites for military equipment in the Kharkov region,” Konashenkov said in a Russian defense statement.

“The Russian air defense forces shot down two drones over the Ochakov and Nikolaev regions,” Konashenkov added.

Konashenkov continued, “The total number of destroyed since the start of the military operation is: 130 aircraft, 99 helicopters, 244 missile systems, 445 drones, 2,153 tanks and armored vehicles, 241 rocket launchers, 924 field artillery and mortars, and 2,063 units of special military vehicles.”

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