Raisi's death, thousands in Tehran for their final farewell

There are thousands and thousands of people in the streets of Tehran on the day in which the Iranian capital bids its final farewell to President Ebrahim Raisi, who died on Sunday in the accident of the helicopter in which he was traveling together with Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and other people. The Iranian media reported it.

The funeral rites began yesterday in Tabriz and will end tomorrow, when the president will be buried in his hometown in Mashad, in the north-east of the Islamic Republic. After today’s funeral in the capital in the presence of Ali Khamenei, another ceremony will be held tomorrow morning in Birjand, in southern Khorasan. The president’s burial rite will then take place at the Imam Reza shrine in Mashad.

Iran in mourning

After Raisi’s death, the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, proclaimed five days of national mourning and other funeral ceremonies are expected in the next few hours.

Iran’s Chief of Staff, Mohammad Bagheri, has ordered an investigation to clarify the causes of the helicopter crash. According to the Iranian agency ISNA, Bagheri ordered “a high-ranking commission to launch an investigation into the causes. Russia for its part has declared itself willing to provide assistance to Iran in the investigations, said the secretary of the Council of Russian security, Sergei Shoigu, former Defense Minister. In the background, the information released by the Tehran media attributes the tragedy to an unspecified “technical failure”.

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