The Mejlis of Azerbaijan condemns the statements of the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg

The Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan condemns the statements made by the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg in Yerevan, claiming that “intervention attempts are aimed at undermining the successful achievements of the peace process”.

“Perhaps the representatives of Luxembourg, having defined French as the main language in their legislation, were too carried away with the “French-style” approach to the South Caucasus region. They do not shy away from arbitrarily distorting the processes taking place in the region and even make some demands to Azerbaijan,” said the statement of the Parliament of Azerbaijan.

Addressing the Armenian side, the Azerbaijani deputies “reminded”. – “Applause and support of unilateral approaches, falsifications and lies by third countries outside the region does not benefit either the peace process or steps aimed at strengthening confidence.”

President of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg Claude Wiesler announced today in the National Assembly of Armenia that Luxembourg demands that Baku immediately release all prisoners of war and provide comprehensive information about all missing persons. Six days ago, the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg made the same call with a unanimously adopted resolution.

By Editor

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