Michael Gove no longer wants to run for British Tories

After the declaration of a Parliamentary elections in Great Britain on the 4th of July More and more members of the conservative government faction are resigning Farewell to politics an.

Michael Gove of the Tories takes his hat off

On Friday, long-serving cabinet member Michael Gove announced that he would not be running again. After almost 20 years, it was time to go, the 56-year-old wrote in a detailed letter that he published on X (formerly Twitter).

Gove, who was most recently Minister for Living Equalization, Housing and Communities, has held various cabinet posts since 2010, with brief interruptions. He has served as Education Minister, Justice Minister and Environment Minister, among others. In 2016, he campaigned alongside Boris Johnson for Britain to leave the EU. In the subsequent race to succeed the resigned Prime Minister David Cameron, however, he stabbed Johnson in the back and announced his own candidacy, which soon failed.

Government members leave the House of Commons

When Johnson finally became Prime Minister in 2019, he appointed Gove to his cabinet. The Scottish-born politician was considered to be the most important figure in the cabinet of the current Rishi Sunak as one of the most experienced and influential politicians.

In addition to Gove, many other former government members are also leaving the House of Commons, including former Prime Minister Theresa May and former Defense Secretary Ben Wallace. In total, almost 80 Tory MPs do not want to run again. According to the British news agency PA, this is more than ever since the Second World War. According to polls, the Conservatives are facing a bitter defeat in the parliamentary election.

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