Dutch arrest team must shoot its own attack dog

They are trained for all situations. And yet a Malinois shepherd from a special unit of the Dutch police turned against the officers during an intervention yesterday. An officer then took him out with his service weapon.

The arrest team was sent to Dalfsen (Overijssel) on Thursday evening. A man had locked himself there and posted photos on social media of himself with a gun.

Because the man, who was known to the police, did not want to surrender, the officers disabled him with special ammunition that does not go into the body. The impact of a shot can be compared to a punch delivered by a boxer. So whoever is affected is out of the world for a while. Enough to put him in cuffs.

In the hustle and bustle of the intervention, the police dog for some reason suddenly turned against the members of the arrest team. One of them then fired a bullet from his service weapon. “It’s not often that the dogs turn against the team. Normally they are really buddies,” says a police spokesperson.

The dog underwent emergency surgery, but no information is provided about its current condition.

According to the Dutch regional broadcaster Oost, the arrested man is known to the police. For example, he was allegedly convicted last year of serious abuse of a 1-year-old child. He was now free pending the appeal in the assault case.

By Editor

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