Dutch Executive candidate promises to govern for everyone

Dick Schoof, candidate to lead the future government of the Netherlands, promised this Tuesday (28) to be “the prime minister of all Dutch people” and, when asked about his support for the nationalist right’s program, said that he was appointed by the leaders of four parties with a parliamentary majority and will govern in its own way.

In his first press conference as a candidate for leadership of the future Dutch cabinet, Schoof, an official with experience in security, justice and asylum issues, had to answer several questions about the possible influence of right-wing nationalist Geert Wilders on his government’s decisions. . “There will only be one prime minister, and that will be me,” he assured.

“The step I am taking now is unexpected, but not illogical. The question I must answer is: can I do things right? The answer is yes”, highlighted Schoof at the beginning of his statements.

On the other hand, he admitted that it is “a surprise” for him to be the candidate proposed by Wilders, the liberal Dilan Yesilgöz (VVD), the Christian Democrat Pieter Omtzigt (NSC) and Caroline van der Plas, from the BBB farmers’ party.

In this sense, he assured that he “wants to be Prime Minister of all Dutch people” and recalled that he was “proposed by four parties with a large majority in Parliament”, which is why he stressed that he does not believe “to be under the control of Geert Wilders”, the who said he knew “a little”.

Schoof declined to comment on the program promising tough measures against illegal immigration and Eurosceptic Wilders’ party, the PVV, and explained that “the functioning of the rule of law has been a guiding thread in his career, and this will help him. him to govern.”

The nominee spoke of Liberal Prime Minister Mark Rutte as “a source of inspiration”, but highlighted: “It’s different for someone to be a source of inspiration and say that I will do the same way. Without a doubt, I will do things my way”, he anticipated.

In this context, he also confirmed that in 2021 he left the social democratic party PvdA because he no longer felt “connected” to the group.

Furthermore, he considered “ambitious” the government pact reached by Wilders with the center-right, which proposes reducing asylum grants under an “exclusion clause” of European policies, limiting climate ambitions, relieving the agricultural sector of environmental regulations and reinforce support for Benjamin Netanyahu’s government in Israel.

A new phase of searching for ministers and secretaries of State is now beginning, which includes interviews and investigations into the candidates, which is why the government’s leader, Richard van Zwol, proposed June 26th as the deadline to end this phase.

It is not clear which ministries each party will receive, nor how many portfolios will be occupied by politicians or experts without affiliation to any party.

Once there is a team of ministers, the cabinet will have to define the government plan during the European summer months, based on the pact reached by the four parties, which establishes the general lines that should guide the future Executive, but not the specific measures. .

The expectation is that the Netherlands will have a new cabinet and a government program after the European summer holidays, which end in September.

By Editor

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