Bundeswehr to receive eight new Patriot systems

The Bundeswehr is to eight new Patriot air defence systems received. The procurement contract for the first four systems has already been triggered, said Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) on Wednesday during a troop visit in Sanitz in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. “Another procurement template for four Patriots is in preparation,” the minister continued.

The first part of the procurement project was already known. Delivery is scheduled to begin in 2026. The new purchases are primarily intended to fill gaps that have arisen due to the transfer of air defence systems to Ukraine. This is “right and necessary, even if it creates gaps in our own stocks,” said Pistorius, who supported military aid for the country invaded by Russia.

Bundeswehr units stationed in Sanitz are involved in to train Ukrainian soldiers in the operation of Patriot systems“This is an important sign for Ukraine that we stand by their side,” Pistorius said, praising the work of the soldiers.

Germany has so far delivered two Patriot systems to Ukraine. A third system was promised to the country in April. “This will soon be going to Ukraine,” assured Pistorius, adding that it is currently being delivered. The delivered Patriot and Iris-T air defense systems “protect lives there every day and every night,” the minister emphasized, and also serve to protect critical infrastructure from Russian attacks.

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