Entrepreneur missing: daughter safe! “My father was murdered” | Regional

Bielefeld/Hüllhorst (North Rhine-Westphalia) – Rhea S. (37) has not seen or hugged her beloved father, the entrepreneur Jörg Döhnert, for 224 days. Meanwhile, her last hope of seeing him alive again is fading. She is certain: Dad was murdered!

Reinhard M. (37) is accused of assaulting the entrepreneur from Hüllhorst (NRW) in October out of greed. A workshop on the entrepreneur’s company premises in Hüllhorst is said to have been crime scene But to this day there is no trace of the body.

For daughter Rhea S., this is a huge burden – she would love to say goodbye to her father. “I have broken down regularly in the past few months. Now I just want my father to be found and for justice to prevail,” she told BILD.

Daughter wants to search again

For them it is incomprehensible how a suspected murderer could simply disappear In her opinion, the search for her father should have been much more meticulous and earlier.

“They searched the company premises and secured traces in the workshop and the company,” she explains. But the extensive grounds with swamps and forests surrounding the company were hardly inspected.

Reinhard M. is said to have killed the entrepreneur in his company. Did he hide his body in the surrounding woods?

Photo: Stephan Schuetze

“I would have liked them to search the waters with divers and cadaver dogs,” she says. Only the fields were searched.

Homicide investigators had promised her that they would start searching for Jörg Döhnert again in the spring – but that did not happen.

When asked by BILD, the police did not comment on the reasons, but referred to the Bielefeld Regional Court, where the case is currently underway.

In recent months, daughter Rhea has repeatedly walked the field paths and meadows herself to make sure that the investigators had not overlooked anything in their search – but without success.

In the courtroom, daughter Rhea keeps crying. She has to look her father’s alleged killer in the eyes

Photo: Stephan Schuetze

“There is a lot of evidence to suggest that it was him”

Now she has to look her father’s alleged murderer in the eye in the courtroom: “I have read through the investigation file several times. So much evidence that suggests it was him cannot be a coincidence,” she says.

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