Suspected IS supporter arrested at Cologne/Bonn Airport

The Federal Prosecutor’s Office in North Rhine-Westphalia has Arrest suspected IS supporters,The suspect was arrested on Friday at Cologne/Bonn Airport, a spokesman for the Karlsruhe authorities said on Saturday when asked.

Investigators accuse the man, who has German-Moroccan-Polish nationality, of transferring a total of almost 1,700 US dollars via a cryptocurrency exchange in September 2023. to an account of the terrorist organization Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISPK).

The suspect is reportedly being investigated on suspicion ofr Support of a terrorist organization abroad and violations of the Foreign Trade Act. The subject of the arrest warrant is the money payments, said the spokesman. The suspected terrorist supporter has been in custody since Friday evening.

Previously, the “Bild” newspaper had reported on the case – and also on a Connection to the upcoming European Football Championship in GermanyThe spokesman for the Federal Prosecutor’s Office did not want to comment on the report. A statement is planned for the beginning of the week.

According to dpa information, the man has identified himself as Stewards and security personnel for so-called side events outside football stadiums advertised,including for public viewings. He failed the application check, which every applicant goes through, according to security sources.

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