Missing Valeriia (9): Father believes his daughter has been kidnapped | Regional

Döbeln (Saxony) – Little Valeriia (9) has been missing since Monday. Disappeared without a trace on the way to school. Six days of searching, fear, uncertainty. Now the girl’s father from Ukraine has come forward with a desperate video message!

Valeriia had fled from Ukraine with her mother and grandmother before the war. Saxon Döbeln. Father Roman G. (32) stayed behind and is fighting against Putin’s troops at home. When his daughter disappeared, the army released him and granted him an exceptional permit. He is allowed to travel to Germany and is currently waiting for his papers.

He wants to go to Germany as soon as possible

BILD reached Roman G. by telephone on Saturday morning in the Dnipropetrovsk region, near the embattled city of Kharkiv in the east of the UkraineHe firmly believes that his child has been kidnapped and sends a dramatic message to the Kidnapper.

“My name is Roman, I am the father of Valeriia, the girl who disappeared in Germany on June 3, 2024,” says Roman G. “It is the sixth day of the search and it is still unclear where my daughter is. I would like to thank everyone who is helping to find Valeriia. While I was protecting the peaceful sleep of Ukrainian children at the front, my own daughter disappeared without a trace. I address my word to those who are involved in her disappearance: Find the courage within yourselves to give us parents back our beloved child. I hope so much to be able to hold my daughter in my arms soon.”

On Sunday, the father had the last phone call with his two daughters, Viktoria (3) and Valeriia (9). She was happy about her good school grades and proudly told her father. Then they talked about the summer holidays and that they wanted to see each other again in Ukraine.

The parents’ marriage broke up during the war

One day later, his ex-wife Nadia (33) informed him about the disappearance of her beloved daughter“I find it very difficult to organize my thoughts, I feel powerless,” Roman G. tells BILD.

The couple married in 2015, when Valeriia was already born. The second child followed in 2021. A year later, the mother fled to Germany with both girls.

“The distance, the war … all of this had put a strain on the marriage,” says the father. “But Nadja and I agreed that this should not affect our children. We always tried to give them everything. We got divorced in 2023.”

“I feel so powerless”

He joined the army because he “saw the suffering of the people, the children” and did not want to stand by and do nothing. “I wanted to help,” says Roman G. “But while I was risking my life here and protecting my country, I could not protect my child. I feel so powerless.”

The desperate father turned to the German police himself: “On June 5, I had contact with the help of a translator. I answered all their questions.”

The police have not ruled out the possibility that the girl was kidnapped. They are continuing to investigate in all directions, they said on Saturday. Investigators have even questioned family acquaintances abroad.

The search for the girl continues this weekend. The police has divided the city into sectors, searched properties, and spoken to residents. So far, without success.

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