Rubio and the post on the “many virtues of Hamas” which angers social media

Always at the side of the Palestinian cause, chef Rubio, recently the victim of a physical attack for his positions, returns to the charge and does so with a post on .

Rubio’s places

“Between the many advantages of Hamas – writes Rubio – there is that of having made all the comrades with a colonial/supremacist mentality drop the mask. Remember – he states, addressing not the pro-Israelis but those who these days side with the civilian population of Gaza – that if today you talk about Palestine, and only for personal interests, you owe it to Islam and Hamas which disgusts you so much . Thank you!”.

The reactions

A message followed by an avalanche of mostly indignant comments ranging from insults to more detailed responses. “You should be investigated for your statements. Supporter of terrorists”, Antonio M comes down hard. While there are those who point out that “Hamas is a terrorist organization and has no merits, so your post begins with an idiotic sentence. Hamas has in its statute the cancellation of the State of Israel, you understand that it has a CRIMINAL objective that can only find support in disturbed people or other criminals”. Gianna also contests the merits of the alleged “value” of Hamas and, following Rubio’s reasoning, writes: “So Hamas massacred people on 7/10 only to provoke Israel’s ferocious reaction with more than 35,000 deaths, just to get people talking about Palestine and expose the colonial mentalities?

“You forget that Hamas has been functional to Israel for 20 years. The Zionists – writes another user – preferred to leave the field open to them and have imprisoned the entire secularized Palestinian political class. Hamas is a creature born of Zionism and if you don’t understand it it is serious”.

Instead, Luca responds to the invitation to thank only with an image posting the terrible photo of a body tied to a Hamas terrorists’ motorcycle and dragged half naked in the dust: “Be thankful.” Ernesto then tries to respond with irony, almost as a continuation of Rubio’s post: “Not to mention the re-evaluation of the purifying rape done for good purposes before the sacrifice of the hostage with relative gentle decapitation”.

By Editor

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