AMLO says that reform of the Judiciary in Mexico is “urgent” because it is “hijacked” |  Claudia Sheinbaum |  Mexican Stock Exchange |  BMV |  Latest |  WORLD

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obradorstated this Tuesday that “urge” his controversial reform of the Judiciary and that “enough is known” about her, although the next president, Claudia Sheinbaumpromised that there would be “a very broad discussion” to approve it.

Enough is already known because it has been reported, you know, how there is a lot of corruption in the Power of attorney,a lot of corruption. The Judiciary is hijacked by both organized crime and white-collar crime.”he declared AMLO in his morning conference.

The Mexican president reiterated that he wants to accelerate the approval of the reform, which would allow judges, electoral magistrates and the Supreme Court to be elected by popular vote, once his alliance of parties has a qualified majority of two-thirds on September 1. Congress, necessary to modify the Constitution.

In general, the Judiciary is bad, so we need that reform. Yes, it is urgent”, he remarked.

His statements contrast with those of Sheinbaum, who on Monday said in a conference that he agreed in his meeting with López Obrador to make a “very broad discussion” throughout the country about the reform that involves bars, law schools, workers in the Judiciary and current judges.

But López Obrador insisted that he expects the reform to be approved before Sheinbaum takes office on October 1.

As of today, the debate is already underway, but it must be made public because those who do not want the reform are already acting, they are already moving, as they always do.“said the president.

The reform of the Judiciary is the López Obrador initiative that causes the greatest nervousness in the markets, where the Mexican stock exchange (BMV) fell 3.99% and the Mexican peso depreciated more than 8% last week following the June 2 election results.

Analysts anticipated the victory of the ruling party’s presidential candidate, Claudia Sheinbaumwho won with almost 60% of the votes, but they did not foresee that their alliance of parties would obtain a two-thirds majority in Congress, with which they could reform the Constitution without negotiating with the opposition.

I understand very well that they don’t like it and some are starting to put pressure to see if there is nervousness in the markets. Our economy is very strong, fortunately. So how long will it last for them to be promoting that nervousness?”commented López Obrador.

The president dismissed the concerns of investors, who fear that the reconfiguration of the Judicial Branch implies greater control of the Executive.

It may be that there are these imbalances now, but it is about there being a true rule of law, which is what investors want, not speculators, true businessmen want a rule of law.“, said.

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