Opponent rules out signing Maduro's document on elections

Edmundo González Urrutia, presidential candidate of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), which brings together the main opposition parties to Chavismo, rejected this Tuesday (11) dictator Nicolás Maduro’s proposal to sign a document in which both would agree to recognize the results of the Venezuela’s presidential election, which is scheduled to take place on July 28th.

According to information on the website Cocuyo EffectGonzález Urrutia stated that “there is no reason” to sign such an agreement, since “the first person who violates the agreements that are signed is the government”.

The opponent’s statement, made during a meeting with women in a Caracas parish, was a response to the suggestion made by Maduro in his weekly program “Con Maduro+”, where the Chavista dictator expressed his “willingness” to sign an agreement recognizing the results elections before the country’s National Electoral Council (CNE), controlled by Chavismo.

“I am ready to sign an agreement with the Electoral Power so that all candidates recognize the bulletin that will be read by the CNE on election day. I am ready because I believe in the electoral system, in Venezuelan democracy and in the people”, said Maduro in his program broadcast on Venezuelan state television.

Maduro, who wants to remain in power through this electoral dispute, also promised in his program to work for a “great national dialogue” after the elections.

The Venezuelan regime has not complied with the electoral agreements it recently signed, at least not in their entirety. The Barbados Agreement was one of them, as in this document the Chavista regime agreed to guarantee elections with the presence of international observers, including observers from the European Union (EU), however, the regime prevented, through the CNE, the European bloc from sending your team.

Furthermore, the opposition also claims that the same agreement removed the political disqualification of its main representative and winner of the primaries, María Corina Machado, who, contrary to this, had her impediment ratified by the Venezuelan Supreme Court, also controlled by Chavismo.

By Editor

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