Yoav Galant reacted bluntly to Emmanuel Macron, but he is not the only one
Relations between leaders have always been seen as a complex thing and as a dynamic that knows ups and downs. If politicians in our country and around the world have their own verbal and movement language and jargon, then the Prime Minister of Italy, Georgia Maloney,has it even a little more and in an advanced version.

Meloni loves Macron. You can tell. pic.twitter.com/FD6fH83Uxz

— Ragıp Soylu (@ragipsoylu) June 14, 2024

Maloney was seen in one of the videos posted on social media today (Friday), shaking the hand of the French president Emmanuel Macron, when he kisses her hand, she moves to shake his hand. Macron tells her things in the process, which cannot be heard or seen in the video, but Maloney’s reaction cannot be missed. “Thank you very much”, she replies politely and with a restrained smile. After the French president walked away from her face, she rolled her eyes to the side and replied with a sigh of relief.

Another politician who was recently seen reacting to Macron more bluntly than Maloney was the Minister of Defense Yoav Galant,when she expressed herself explicitly by saying that “France has shown hostility and enmity against us, while blatantly ignoring the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists against children and women – just because they are Jews”.

By Editor

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